The Prescod Institute for Sport, Teamwork, and Education (PISTE) exists to teach the sport of fencing and its principles of discipline, strategic thinking, problem solving, and fitness and improve access to quality education youth in under-resourced communities. Our intention is to inspire excellence and support students to become their best selves through the critical thinking and rigor required of the sport.
The Prescod Institute for Sport, Teamwork, and Education believes sport is a form of education that every child deserves. Through our fencing-based youth development programs, we aim to develop high performers in under-served neighborhoods. Our vision is rooted in providing a sustainable educational option that inspires excellence and exploration to realize human potential.
Sports have the power to instill the concept of Olympism and build the framework for healthy and productive lives.
A philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole of the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.
Olympism is a guiding principle for our program and through this model we aim to provide quality support for our students to develop strong, resilient character.
Beyond learning the socio-emotional skills that sports demand, practicing the martial art of fencing offers priming of situational awareness and action-oriented problem-solving.
Fencing offerings a wealth of academic, professional and cultural development opportunities & the possibility of economic mobility for our families and communities.
PISTE provides a space for where talented youth are nurtured and motivated to learn and appreciate structure, the satisfaction of effort, strong work ethic, discipline, healthy competition, and focus.
We identify as a COMMUNITY of thinkers, leaders, fighters and fencers that value sportsmanship, innovation, self-determination, unity, excellence, unity, and fortitude.